Top 6 Mistakes to AVOID When Selecting Your Anti-Aging Products

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Do you find yourself less and less eager to face the mirror each morning? Do you narrow in on those wrinkles near your eyes? Does it make you sigh, remembering how just a few years back those didn’t use to exist?

It’s normal for us to age, and it’s often this aging that brings about all sorts of insecurities. The bad news is that we can’t fight mother nature or stop ourselves from aging.

The good news? Many new innovative products that can slow the wheels from turning so quickly.

You might remember watching your mother when you were younger with her skincare routine. A simple face wash, a night cream and voila! Nowadays, we have hundreds of thousands of options to choose from, all of which claim to do one thing or another. But endless choices blended with exaggerated promises, often lead to headaches when it’s time to decide what to use for your skincare routine. And you are not alone. A recent study showed that 24% of women frequently don’t get the results that they hope for from skincare products. So how can you ensure that you get the results that you want? Let’s start with what NOT to do...

Here are 6 common mistakes women make when selecting their anti-aging products:

Buying All-In-One Products

If the product says that it does more than one or two things, it probably doesn’t.

Each product is crafted with the main benefit in mind. You may find products in drug stores or in the market in general that claim to have  3-IN-1 benefits, which means that you can use one product for three different functions. This might be for morning, night, and contours, or it might be targeting three different problem areas. But let’s be logical, when we try to do a bit of everything, it often ends up that nothing is done quite right. Instead, buy products that are aimed to do one thing and that way, you can see if it is truly benefiting your skincare routine.  

Switching Brands After Not Seeing Expected Results ‘Quick Enough’

We all want to see results quickly, but how long should you wait?

If you are unhappy with your skin or the way you look, it’s normal that you are eager to see results, especially if it’s the first time you try an anti-aging product, but patience is key. Before you even buy a product, check the box or label as there will often be an indication of when you can expect to see results. Then once you start using the product, make sure you are following the instructions correctly. For example, if they tell you to apply three times a day, then don’t be surprised if you don’t see results. So when you make your purchase, you can also take the time frame claim into account. But just remember, anything amazing requires patience.

Buying Products That Are Not Made For YOUR Age

Don’t take your mom’s cream & expect to have mega results.

A good anti-aging product will be constructed for a particular age group. The reason for this is that our skin changes each year. Someone who is 28 will have more elasticity than somebody who is 36. And somebody who is 25 is likely buying preventative products, while somebody at 55 is buying corrective solutions. When making your selection, make sure to read the label, and if the age is not indicated, don’t hesitate to ask the cosmetic expert in the store for some guidance. It could make a real difference in the results you will see.

Buying Products That Are Not Made For YOUR Skin Type

If you have dry skin you are not going to buy something made for oily skin, right? This applies to anti-aging products too.

We all have different complexions and often may even have different skin types in different areas of the face. For example, you might have dry skin near your neck but oily skin near your nose. In general, there are four main skin categories: normal skin, dry skin, oily skin, and combination skin. To be able to choose the perfect fit product for your skin, you should really understand more about your skin type. One example is having dry skin but choosing a product that actually dehydrates. You may not think much of it, but if dry skin is not hydrated it becomes flaky, which actually leads to more wrinkles!

Buying Products Based Purely on Marketing Trends

Don’t believe everything you see on TV

There is no doubt that you’ve seen dozens of ads that promise the stars and the moon when it comes to anti-aging products. Sprinkled with some dazzle and some unbelievable testimonials, it may have had you sprinting to the store to try it for yourself. Then 30 days later you didn’t see any results. This is not uncommon or something to be ashamed of. Companies throw a lot of money into advertisements to have that exact effect. Or even worse, they pay people to leave amazing results that have no real proof. Luckily with the boom of the internet, if something does not work, the real truth will surface pretty quickly. So if you see a product trend that seemingly has helped thousands of women make sure to check other reviews on other websites where the real reviews might be hidden.

Buying The Highest Ticketed Item  

Price does not always reflect results

Many women often pick the most expensive item assuming that it must be the best and therefore bring the most results. But much like advertising, this is a tactic that marketers use to get you to buy. We are not suggesting that you go to your local drugstore and picking up the cheapest cream, but there is always a good balance. First of all, decide how much you can afford. There is no use in spending half of your salary on a cream that might make a difference, but next month you cannot afford to repurchase. Once you have a budget in mind, go online, and read those reviews! It might seem tedious, but this is your skin we are talking about!

Now that you have read the six most common mistakes women make when selecting anti-aging products, you should feel more confident in your next purchase. Remember to determine your skincare type, budget, and goals. Understand your ‘problem’ areas so you know what to look for when doing your research. Use the technology that is at your fingertips to get informed and hear about other women’s experiences which have been in your shoes before.

If you have any questions or stories you wish to share about your anti-aging skincare routine, post it below in the comments, and we are happy to help!

Additional Reading